About Us

SafeTGA is an independent organization whose goal is to advocate for bicycle safety along Tower Grove Avenue.  We call attention to safety concerns, seek to establish a dialog among cyclists who rely on this corridor, and encourage riders to share their opinions with decision makers.

More broadly, we are interested in cycling conditions throughout the City, and aim to document new bike infrastructure throughout St. Louis. We provide feedback from a cyclist perspective, and encourage dialog among bike riders and other road users.

SafeTGA is maintained by Matthew Wyczalkowski, who has been commuting along Tower Grove Avenue daily for ten years.  After receiving his PhD in Biomedical Engineering from Washington University, Matt chose to stay in St. Louis in part for its quality of life.  Matt is now a scientist at The Genome Institute studying cancer genomics, and SafeTGA is a reflection of his passion to help make St. Louis a world class city to work and live.  Matt is the former Executive Director of The BALSA Foundation.  Contact Matt at SafeTGA@gmail.com

One comment on “About Us
  1. Adam Kepka says:

    I saw your sign. Thanks for your work! I’m going to promote your info on the FPSE neighborhood association website http://www.forestparksoutheast.com and on our facebook page http://www.facebook.com/forestparksoutheast. I hope you’ll check us out and “like” us on Facebook. Keep up the good work!

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